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Contact Maison NANA1807

Legal Notice

Welcome to the NANA1807 House - The House of Organic Mint Tea


THE website , is the property of MAISON NANA SAS, a simplified joint stock company with capital of €100,000, registered in the Bourges Trade and Companies Register under RCS 881188510.

Its headquarters are located at Domaine de Rosières - 2, rue d'Orthe - 18400 Lunery - France. Its SIRET number is 88118851000013
Its intra-community VAT number is FR01881188510


MAISON NANA SAS is the owner of the website and holds all rights relating thereto. Unless expressly authorized in advance by MAISON NANA1807, it is prohibited to copy or download all or part of the site or its content.



We thank you for taking the time to read and understand these General Conditions of Use (hereinafter "GCU") of our website , (hereinafter referred to as the “Site”).

The Site is owned and operated by the company Maison NANA1807 (RCS 881 188 510) , with which you contract by accepting these T&Cs.

To access details about our company, click on “Legal Notices”.
Access to the Site and its use constitute full and complete acceptance of these T&Cs by each Internet user browsing all or part of the Site (hereinafter the "User") who fully undertakes to comply with them for as long as they use said Site. In the event of disagreement with the terms of these T&Cs, the User must immediately stop using the Site.

These T&Cs govern the conditions under which the User agrees to use the Site and the various services offered there. These T&Cs are supplemented – where applicable – by specific contractual conditions, applicable in particular to the sale of paid products or services.


The User may freely and free of charge access the Site, without prior registration or creation of an account. The costs of access and use of the telecommunications network remain nevertheless the User's responsibility.

The User acknowledges having the skills and means necessary to access and use the Site; he acknowledges, in particular, having verified that the computer equipment with which he connects to the Site (computer, smartphone, etc.) does not contain any viruses and that it is in perfect working order. The Site is accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week except in the event of a force majeure event, or any other event beyond the control of Maison NANA1807 and in particular, linked to technical difficulties.

Furthermore, for maintenance reasons, Maison NANA1807 may interrupt access to the Site and will endeavour to notify Users in advance. Maison NANA1807 is not bound by any obligation of results concerning accessibility to the Site and is in no way responsible for interruptions and the consequences that may result. Maison NANA1807 reserves the right to suspend, interrupt or limit, without prior notice, access to all or part of the Site, in particular for update operations.

The User is informed that Maison NANA1807 may terminate or modify the characteristics of the services offered on the Site, at any time, without notice and without the User having any recourse against Maison NANA1807 and/or being able to claim any compensation from it.

Furthermore, Maison NANA1807 declines all responsibility:
- For any interruption of service that is involuntary or attributable to an event beyond its control;
- For the occurrence of bugs or technical incompatibilities with the User's equipment;
- For any damage resulting from fraudulent intrusion by a third party resulting in a modification of the information made available;
- For any damage that may be caused to the User's equipment, following their access to this Site and its services, as well as following the use or downloading of one of its elements.



The Site offers the following content and services (subject to change):
A catalog of “mint tea” products marketed by Maison NANA1807 ;
  • An online store;
  • A newsletter;
  • A presentation of the news from Maison NANA1807


The information provided on the Site is for information purposes only. Despite all the care and diligence taken by Maison NANA1807 in collecting and updating this information, Maison NANA1807 cannot guarantee its accuracy, precision, completeness and timeliness.

Consequently, Maison NANA1807 cannot be held responsible for any damage whatsoever, whether direct or indirect, which may result from the use of information contained on the Site.

The User is invited to check any information published on the Site and to notify any possible error, omission or inaccuracy to Maison NANA1807 via the form available under the “Contact” section of the Site.


The User undertakes to use the Site and the services it offers in strict compliance with these T&Cs, in particular by refraining from any malicious and/or damaging use of the Site, by refraining from any mass sending of requests or messages via the “Newsletter” and “Contact Us” sections, which may have the effect of cluttering, slowing down or disrupting the operation of the Site.


Maison NANA1807 may reference on the Site and for information purposes, by outgoing hyperlinks, other resources present on the Internet network. These hyperlinks cannot engage the responsibility of Maison NANA1807 . Indeed, the sites linked directly or indirectly to the Site by means of such hyperlinks are outside the control of Maison NANA1807 .

Maison NANA1807 therefore assumes no responsibility for the information published on these sites and the hyperlinks thus provided do not imply any guarantee concerning the content of these sites. Maison NANA1807 undertakes, in the event of disagreement or upon simple request from the operator of a referenced site, to remove the hyperlink as soon as possible. These requests must be sent by email to the address and mention the terms "request for removal of a hyperlink" in the "subject" field of the email.

Regarding incoming hyperlinks, Maison NANA1807 may authorize the creation of a link pointing to its content, subject to respecting the spirit of its Site, which excludes sites disseminating information and/or content of an illegal nature and/or in particular of a controversial, political, religious, pornographic, xenophobic nature or which may, in general, offend the sensibilities of Internet users.

Users who place such links to the Maison NANA1807 Site undertake to request authorization from the latter by contacting it by email at, specifying the terms "hyperlinks" in the "subject" section of the email.

Maison NANA1807 disclaims any liability for the information contained in sites that may be linked to its own by a hyperlink or by any other means.


Maison NANA1807 as a responsible House is aware of the importance of sorting packaging and end-of-life products for our society.
This is why we invite you to read the instructions that concern you by consulting the site


For the year 2023, the gender equality index stands at 100/100 points for Maison NANA1807.

Maison NANA1807 - The House of Organic Mint Tea

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