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Maison NANA1807 - Un Thé à la Menthe pour Noël Maison NANA1807 - Un Thé à la Menthe pour Noël

Merry Christmas

Meditation around Mint Tea

A Mint Tea for Christmas

In this festive and sharing season, Maison NANA1807 invites you to taste a Mint tea for Christmas.

Around this generous Mint Tea , you will certainly discover several aspects of the relationship we have with Jesus, and his mother Mary.

In the Julian calendar (Julius Caesar's solar calendar used in Europe until the 16th century), the twenty-fifth of December marked the winter solstice, considered to be the birth of the Sun.

The first historical evidence of a celebration of the birth of Christ on December 25 dates back to the beginning of the 4th century. Rome then experienced a new heyday under the leadership of now Christian emperors.

The feast of December 25 is an opportunity to get together with family around a good meal or simply a Mint tea to distribute nice gifts to children and share with those who have them need.

It was in 1970 that Mouima and her family discovered this value of sharing in France. Settled in Berry for two years, the family received an unexpected visit. When Mouima opened the door of the house, a stranger presented toys and a huge stuffed animal, to the delight of the children.

What many visitors of MAISON NANA1807 don't know is that Jesus is a very important personality in Islam.

In honor of this special day, here's what you might not know about the role of Jesus - and his mother, Mary.

Jesus and Mary are prominent figures in the Qur'an (as are Gabriel, Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses and many others).

For us, Jesus, called in the Koran 'Isa ibn Maryam (in Arabic: عيسى ابن مريم: ʿĪsā, son of Maryam) is a Prophet of God, miraculously born of an exceptional woman and virgin - Mary, named in the Quran Maryam (Arabic: مريم).

Mary is cited more often in the Koran than in the New Testament of the Bible. Sura 19 is entirely devoted to him.

Mary is the only woman to be mentioned by her name in the Quran. Other exceptional women are identified by their relationship with others, such as Adam's wife (in Arabic: آدم) or the mother of Moses (in Arabic: موسى Moussa ), or by title, such as the Queen of Sheba (in Arabic : ملكة سبأ).

The Qur'an records the many miracles of Jesus performed by the grace of God - giving sight to the blind, healing lepers and raising the dead.

Like you, we believe in the exceptional prophetic dimension of Jesus, his miraculous birth, and his noble mission for humanity, without believing that he is the son of God.

“Surely, unbelievers are those who say that God is Christ, son of Mary. Say, "Who could prevail against God if He chose to destroy the Messiah, his mother, and the rest of mankind?" To Allah alone belongs the kingship of the heavens and the earth and everything in between. God alone creates what He wants and He has power over all things. "(Quran 5:17)

Welcome to Maison NANA1807, to taste the new Mint tea recipes

Merry Christmas everyone!

Maison NANA1807 - Un Thé à la Menthe pour Noël

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