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Maison NANA1807 - Thé à la Menthe - Histoire d’une Femme

Story of a Woman

Meditation around Mint Tea

Story of a Woman

Over a mint tea, we will tell you the story of the flood according to Muslim tradition.

" We sent Noah to his people and he said to them:" I am charged to warn you solemnly. Worship only God, for I fear for you the punishment of a painful day. " "[Quran 11: 25-26]

While building his ark, a woman approached the prophet Noah and asked him, "Why are you building this boat?" "

He then explained the general situation to her and warned her of the flood that is expected to occur soon.

Unlike the others, this woman did not refute her, but simply replied, "Let me know when this is going to happen so I can get on board." "

She then retired to her isolated dwelling which is far from the other dwellings.

Very busy with his project, Noah himself was surprised at the sudden arrival of the painful day.

Unable to do anything, he loaded his family and the animals into his wooden ship. With his family on board, except one of his sons ignorant and emancipated to the point of not listening to his father's warnings, he prayed to God to spare them from this heavy divine retribution.

When most of the water receded, the boat ended up on Mount Judi. When he got out of his boat, Noah was happily back on dry land.

By surprise, he also found the same woman approaching him to ask him, "So when is the flood due?" "

The prophet Noah answered her hesitantly: “Madam, the flood is over! and I wonder how you managed to survive! "

The woman then said to him naively: "I must be as lucky as you are." And Whoever saved your ship also decided to save me. "

In this time of turmoil and difficulties in the face of the global Covid situation, we invite you to meditate on this story around a Mint Tea. And you will certainly gain some wisdom and possibly the necessary distance to live your daily life fully, without fear ...

Maison NANA1807 - Thé à la Menthe - Histoire d’une Femme

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