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Maison NANA1807 - Danse autour du Thé à la Menthe

Mint Tea Dance

Ritual & Secrets of Mint Tea

Dance around Mint Tea

In order to gently bring you to a meditation session around Mint tea , we invite you to contemplate a very special dance.

In this dance, the dancer turns around himself for an indefinite period of time. Counterclockwise, he spins around his heart, his arms are wide open on both sides - the right hand pointing towards the sky to receive the descending energy, and the left hand towards the ground, to capturing the ascending energies of the Earth.

This dance is delicately accompanied by meditative songs and spiritual music….

In order to perform this dance perfectly, the dancer masters a technique in seven stages and develops a mental concentration, which allows him to turn for a long time, not to feel any vertigo.

Rûmî and The Whirling Dervishes

While enjoying a Mint Tea , you will appreciate the enchantment of this sacred round dance of the Whirling Dervishes. Named Samā '( سماع ) in Turkey and the Middle East, this Arabic word (in Arabic: سماع ) refers to the notion of spiritual listening or hearing.

Born in Turkey in honor of the mystic Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Rûmî ( جلال الدین محمد رومی ), it spread to Syria, Egypt, and the Maghreb.

From his real name Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Balkhī ( جلال الدین محمد بلخى ), is popular under the name of Rûmî, and recognized by its disciplines under the name of Mawlānā (Arabic script مولانا , my master).

Famous 13th century poet, Rumi is also Faqîh (in Arabic فقيه , scholar and jurist) from Grand Khorasan. Its influence transcends borders and cultures.

Rûmî is certainly the most popular poet of the millennium. Even today, he is the best-selling poet in the United States.

Ceremony around Mint Tea

The Samā ' is part of the spiritual practices, among which we find in particular the Dhikr ( ذِكْر [ḏikr]) - evocation; mention, recall, rhythmic repetition of the names of God - the reading of the Koran, the recitation of prayers on the Prophet Muhammad in particular.

The effect of Dhikr on your mind is also strong on your body and its organs.

" There is a voice that does not use words. Listen! " Rûmî

The mystical poems recited in the Samā ' combine several themes including - the lover and the beloved, spiritual drunkenness, nostalgia for separation from the beloved being or our divine essence.

These inner states accentuated by dance are the effects of spiritual drunkenness which results in a feeling of submersion and self-forgetfulness ... The ultimate culmination is extinction in The Divine Presence.

So this mystical hearing acts as a remedy for souls and food for hearts. To the point where Samā ‘ was inscribed in the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO in 2008.

It is on the occasion of special events that we organize these Ceremonies whose objective is divine communion and to connect our hearts. ...

Ceremonies are always led by a Sheikh (Master of Ceremonies), who is accompanied by musicians and Whirling Dervishes.The public is invited to participate in the ceremony by singing, listening and observing their own heart, around a Mint Tea

"Come, come, whoever you are, wanderers, disciples, passionate seekers, whatever ... Our caravan is not that of despair, Come even if you have broken your vows a thousand times, Come , come, come back again ... " Rûmî

Maison NANA1807 - Danse autour du Thé à la Menthe

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