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Histoire du Thé à la Menthe en Amérique | Maison NANA1807 - La Maison du Thé à la Menthe BIO

American Mint Tea

Meditation around Mint Tea

The Story of Mint Tea in America

At Maison NANA1807, we like the idea of ​​sharing our story of Mint tea , while researching with passionate historians about Mint tea , the real story of its origins.

Thanks to Madame Samira Benturki Saîdi and her book "The Arab-Islamic identity of American Indian peoples and tribes ", we discovered the historical relations between the Amerindians and the North Africans.

"The Arab, African, Indonesian and Ottoman Turkish Navigators, before and after the advent of Islam, possessed superior knowledge in the maritime domain. Thus, centuries before Christopher Columbus, they sailed the seas and oceans and populated the American continent, where the Muslim religion was practiced by certain Native American tribes. " Samira Benturki Saîdi

Native Americans are renowned for their knowledge of medicinal plants. It is said that they started using plants and herbs for healing after seeing animals eating certain plants when they were sick. In order to preserve biodiversity and protect these plants from over-harvesting, healers have a habit of picking only one in three plants.

Native Americans have a very spiritual approach to health. For good health, they recommend following a straight, harmonious and balanced path in life, like the teaching of Prophet Muhammad.

They think that certain illnesses are life lessons that allow everyone to learn to live better with their environment. Many modern remedies and medicines are based on Native American knowledge of plants and herbs.

Among the most versatile plants used by Native Americans in their daily lives is Mint .

The Cherokee tribe has a long history of consuming Mint Tea to soothe digestive problems and upset stomachs. With the Mint leaves , They also design a balm to relieve itching and calm rashes.

The Moroccan Tea or rather the Mint Tea ( شاي بالنعناع ( chāï binna'nā ' ) or, more commonly, in Maghrebian Arabic أتاي ( atāy ), لأتاي ( latāy ) and in Berber ⴰⵜⴰⵢ , atay ) is the reference hot drink in Morocco, and us the Maghreb in general, until in southern Africa.

Since Antiquity, Mint has been used throughout the Mediterranean as an infusion, decoction and in herbal medicine.

The Maghrebin tea would it be at the origin of this knowledge of alternative medicine, or perhaps a legacy of the millennial expertise of the Amerindians.

Today the power of plants is important and their action on our health is well established. And essential oils are on the rise because we are finally rediscovering their multiple benefits. In particular, they have analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties which effectively relieve pain.

For example, peppermint Mint essential oil is refreshing and numbing - properties that are particularly beneficial in relieving pain. In fact, menthol gives the essential oil of peppermint  Mint a strong analgesic power.

Due to its powerful analgesic power, Mint essential oil is recommended to relieve pain related to headaches and migraines with an application to the temples at the hairline or on the top of the forehead and in the neck

Maison NANA1807 invites us to consume Mint Tea on a daily basis, and to present to you soon a range of products based on Mint for your well-being.

Maison NANA1807 - Histoire du Thé à la Menthe en Amérique

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