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Maison NANA1807 - Du Thé à la Menthe et du Vert Maison NANA1807 - Du Thé à la Menthe et du Vert

Mint Tea and Green

Meditation around Mint Tea

Mint Tea for the Planet

The start of a new year is the perfect time to assess our collective goals in relation to our Planet.

Around a Mint Tea for the Planet , let's mobilize our energies and our enthusiasm for the creation of a greener Earth for future generations…

Climate change is a big issue - and scientists agree that 2021 is the year we must start making a difference before it's too late.

Making positive changes for the New Year is a great way to start the New Year off on the right foot while closing the door on 2020, without much regret…

According to several environmental studies conducted by the United Nations, this decade is our last chance to reduce the damage we have caused to the Earth by our greenhouse gas emissions. Otherwise, we will see a drastic increase in global climate temperatures leading to more catastrophic weather events including tornadoes, floods and forest fires.

At Maison NANA1807, our beliefs and values ​​offer an effective and comprehensive solution to the current environmental challenges facing human diversity.

In our Muslim culture, the basic elements of nature - earth, water, fire, forest and light - belong to God, The Unique Creator. And they are made available to all the livings, not just humans.

The Qur'an contains a number of specific references to ecology and also contains important principles for environmental conservation. The first principle on environmental sustainability is the concept of guardianship.

As Khalifa (in Arabic: خليفة, literally in French " Successor ", " Leader " or " Chief "), Human beings must take all necessary measures to ensure that the entrusted property is passed on to the next generation in the purest form possible.

"[…] and do no harm to the Earth after it has been put in order. It will be better for you, if you have faith ”(Quran 7:85)

According to the precepts of Islam, each person is the guardian of nature and must live in harmony with other creatures. It is our duty to respect, maintain and take care of the environment.

Lifestyle changes can help reduce our carbon footprint, such as eating a healthy diet, drinking Mint Tea regularly, and getting more exercise. So why not take advantage of the New Year by making a resolution that matters?

The Mint Tea For Peace program - A Mint Tea For Peace - is the fusion of our beliefs and our ambitions ... for a better world respecting cultural diversity and biodiversity.

This is the vision of Maison NANA1807 and this is what gives a reason to be beyond Mint Tea

Around a Mint tea , we present our best wishes for a happy new year, peaceful and rich in happy events for each of you …!

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