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Maison NANA1807 - Thé à la Menthe sur Le Chemin Maison NANA1807 - Thé à la Menthe sur Le Chemin

On the road

Meditation around Mint Tea

A Mint Tea On The Way

Maison NANA1807 is nestled in a private estate in Berry Champagne - on the Chemin de Saint Jacques for followers ... and the Route de George Sand for the enthusiastics ...

Less than two hours away from Paris - a private driver from Maison NANA1807 will be waiting for you at the SNCF train station or at the airport.

Upon your arrival, you will be greeted with a Mint Tea to respect the exemplary hospitality of Mouima . And you will have the possibility to select the meditation around the Mint tea of your choice…

Here is an invitation to follow the path of the one with whom we would have liked to taste a Mint tea .

Imagine sitting around a Mint Tea with Abraham ( Ibrahim in Arabic: إِبْرَاهِيْمُ ). The one who plays a leading role in Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

Because of his unwavering faith in God - the Only one, Abraham was promised by Allah to be a leader for all the nations of the world.

"Which way is better than that of the man who surrenders totally to God, and does good, and who follows the way of Abraham - Sincere and upright?" And God chose Abraham as a friend. "(Quran 4: 125)

Azar (in Arabic: آزَر ) , the father of Abraham, was a renowned idol sculptor among the people of Babylon. From an early age Abraham criticized his father's carvings, which he said were not worthy of worship. In his meditation sessions, he contemplated the world around him, the stars, the moon and the sun. He concludes that there must be only God - The One and the Only.

Convinced of his belief in Allah, Abraham asked his father why his people worshiped inert objects. Considering rebellious and dangerous for the stability of their society, the inhabitants drove Abraham out of Babylon.

Expelled, Abraham and his wife Sarah (in Arabic: سارة ) traveled through Syria, Palestine, towards Egypt. Sterile, Sarah proposed to Abraham to marry another woman - Hajar (in Arabic: هاجر ). This new marriage gave birth to Ismail (Arabic: إسماعيل ) , Abraham's first child. Thirteen years later, by the grace of God, Sarah gave birth in her turn, to give Abraham her second child Isaac (in Arabic: إسحاق ).

“Certainly Abraham is a model of virtue. Obedient with devotion to Allah, sincere and faithful in his faith, and he was not one of the polytheists,
Grateful for his blessings, He chose him and He guided him to the straight path
And We have given him what is good in the world, and in the hereafter he will be among the righteous.
We you recommend following the path of Abraham, the righteous, who was not polytheistic. "(Quran 16: 120-123).

On this long journey of life, Abraham went through some trials to prepare him to become the Patriarch of the monotheistic faith.

His first son Ishmael is the ancestor of the Arabs as well as the lineage leading to our beloved Prophet Muhammad.And Isaac is the ancestor of the Jews, the father of Jacob ( Yacoub in Arabic: يعقوب ), and a long prophetic lineage until Mary ( Myriam in Arabic: مريم ) - Mother of our Prophet Jesus (' Isa ibn Maryam in Arabic: عيسى ابن مريم )

If you enjoyed this meditation around Mint Tea , you will have the opportunity to continue the path of Abraham for other stories

Maison NANA1807 - Thé à la Menthe sur Le Chemin

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