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Contactez la Maison NANA1807

Withdrawal form


Withdrawal from a distance purchase (on the internet, by mail order, teleshopping or telephone)

Model letter for consumer withdrawal in the case of a distance contract.

Letter to be sent by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt to Maison NANA1807

First and last name of the consumer

His address

ZIP code

Recipient: First and last name of the professional seller

Address of recipient (seller)

ZIP code

At ..., on ... (date of letter)


On ... (indicate the date appearing on the order form), I ordered ... (designation of the object: for example the DVD collection, the armchair...) which you delivered to me ( or that I received) on ... (date).

In accordance with article L. 221-18 of the Consumer Code, I exercise my right of withdrawal.

Consequently, I kindly ask you to return to me as quickly as possible and at the latest within 14 days following receipt of this letter, the sum of ... euros that I paid you when placing my order, in accordance with the provisions of article L. 221-24 of the Consumer Code.

Please find attached (indicate the returned item) that I am returning to you.

You can optionally add:

Otherwise, I would be forced to initiate criminal proceedings against your company.

Please believe, Madam, Sir, in the expression of my distinguished feelings.


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