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Maison NANA1807 - Premier Championnat International du Thé à la Menthe

Mint Tea Championship

A Mint Tea For Peace

First International Mint Tea Championship

As part of the #MintTeaForPeace program, Maison NANA1807 invites you to participate in the International Mint Tea Championship , on June 5, 2021 in the Jardin des Plantes from the Domaine de Rosières (Heart of France).

Maison NANA1807 - Premier Championnat International du Thé à la Menthe

Unique in its kind, this first international mint tea championship favors gastronomic arbitration, reserved for mint tea enthusiasts eager to participate and promote the values ​​and behaviors conducive to dialogue , peace and the rapprochement of cultures, in accordance with the principles of the UNESCO Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity which stipulates that:

"In our increasingly diverse societies, it is essential to ensure harmonious
interaction and a willingness to live together for people and groups with both cultural identities plural, varied and dynamic. Policies promoting the integration and participation of all citizens guarantee social cohesion, the vitality of civil society and peace. Thus defined, cultural pluralism constitutes the political response to the fact of cultural diversity. Inseparable from a democratic framework, cultural pluralism is conducive to cultural exchanges and to the development of the creative capacities that nourish public life. "(Article 2 - From cultural diversity to cultural pluralism).

The International Mint Tea Lovers is a friendly competition between mint tea enthusiasts from all over the world ( Mint Tea Lovers ).

The international mint tea championship has three categories:

  • Mint Tea Preparation : Preparation of mint tea
  • Mint Tea Pairing : Tea & Food Pairing
  • Mint Tea Tasting : Blind tea tasting

Mint Tea Lovers will be able to participate in all or only one of the categories - bringing their own accessories, tea and mint. Maison NANA1807 also provides you with a "Mint Tea Master Cup" Pack for Mint Tea Lovers who wish so.

The conditions of participation and the internal rules of the first international mint tea championship are available to you on first request on

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