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Thé à la Menthe et Bien-Être : Un Réconfort Naturel - Maison NANA1807 La Maison du Thé à la Menthe BIO

Anti-Stress Adaptogen

Mint Tea is adaptogenic

Adaptogens are botanicals that balance, restore and protect the body from stress. Their strength lies in their ability to create what is called a "non-specific" response to different types of stress. There can be many types of stress: mental, physical or biochemical.

Adaptogens act on the regulation of the adrenal glands, where stress hormones are produced. They help reduce stress fatigue, and regenerate your energy.
Known for a long time in traditional medicines, the term "adaptogen" was coined by a Soviet scientist seeking to develop a blood booster. 100% natural performance for fighter pilots.

The current environment and recent research are putting adaptogenic teas in the spotlight. Many of us are looking for natural ways to reduce stress, provide a sense of calm and restore the balance of our stress hormones.

Adaptogens are further classified as primary or secondary. Primary adaptogens directly affect hormonal expression in the adrenal and pituitary glands, while the balancing effects of secondary adaptogens emerge by the immune and nervous systems.

Mint Green Tea is the combination of secondary adaptogens. Mint Tea Lovers know the relaxing effects of Mint Tea, which can be attributed primarily to the effects of its polyphenols on the immune system, as well as the balancing effect of the amino acid theanine.

Le Thé vert à la Menthe est la combinaison d’adaptogènes At Maison NANA1807, we are committed to bringing you the best of the Mint tea experience, and developing blends for your moments of relaxation and your daily well-being ...

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