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2024 - Le Thé à la Menthe Marocain de la  Maison NANA1807 Maison du Thé à la Menthe BIO

Aphrodisiac recipe

Ritual & Secrets of Mint Tea

Mint Tea - Aphrodisiac Elixir

Among all the aphrodisiac aromas, Peppermint has always been used to arouse sexual desire, especially in women.

Mint Tea is an aphrodisiac recipe thanks to the powerful stimulating properties of peppermint. The main active ingredient in peppermint is menthol - up to 70% - which produces a feeling of freshness.

The other main component is an ester known as methyl acetate which is responsible for the characteristic smell of peppermint.

Some of the other ingredients in the herb are menthone, limonene, pulegone, cineol, and azulene. The combination of these compounds especially stimulate sexual arousal.

Peppermint has a powerful, minty and camphoric scent that energizes the senses of smell and taste and opens the mind to indulge in a sexual experience.

Applied directly to the skin, its fragrance produces a feeling of cooling and excitement that makes the erogenous zones of women more receptive to sexual pleasure.

Despite the initial cooling sensation when using peppermint, it actually has a warming effect on the blood. This dilates the blood vessels and facilitates the delivery of oxygen-rich blood to various organs, including the vagina. A higher supply of oxygen and blood makes it easier to be aroused and achieve intense orgasms.

Mint Tea contains vitamins A and C, both of which are well-known antioxidants and are essential for boosting immunity and maintaining physical vitality.

In addition to these vitamins, there are micronutrients - such as manganese, iron, calcium, folate, potassium, tryptophan, magnesium, omega-3 fatty acids, riboflavin and copper - which are useful for good sexual health.

Maison NANA1807 - Thé à la Menthe - Elixir Aphrodisiaque

MAISON NANA1807's Mint Tea , You can infuse several times, the same dose of our ingredients from Organic Farming ... for your health and your good pleasures ...!


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