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Maison NANA1807 - Thé à la Menthe Marocain & Thé Persan

Moroccan tea & Persian tea

Ritual & Secrets of Mint Tea

Moroccan Mint & Persian Tea

Tea is one of the most popular drinks. Each year, five million tonnes of tea are consumed worldwide.

While Turkey is the leading tea consumer country in proportion to its population. Two other countries are on the podium of major tea consumers - Morocco and Iran - each with its own culture and traditions of Mint tea or plain tea.

For Moroccans and Persians, Tea is more than just a drink. It’s a way of opening up to each other, of telling each other’s life stories, and is used subconsciously in therapy sessions.

Atay ( Tea in Maghrebian ) and Chaii ( Tea in Farsi ) really form the basis of Moroccan and Persian culture. In Iran, it is Use of a Samovar to boil water, and keep it at the right temperature. Originally from Russia, the Samovar has since been very present in Iran and throughout the Arab world up to Morocco.

From the 15th century. The Persians take advantage of the Silk Road to transport Asian tea. From the end of the 19th century, the Persians began to cultivate their own tea. The national consumption is so strong that the local production is not able to meet the demand, which necessitates the importation of Teas from foreign countries.

Tea House - The True Origin of "Starbucks"

Chaikhanehs, or Tea House, is the original and healthy Iranian version of Starbucks… The idea is to welcome you " As at Home " to meet with family, friends and chat things of life or your business around a tea or better a Mint tea .

Oddly enough, Morocco mainly has cafes or Qahwa (Arabic قهوة), where Mint tea is served at all times, just like coffee of course, in its many versions.

The idea of ​Tea House is a trend that is resurfacing with new concepts highlighting the tradition of Mint Tea , like Maison NANA1807 in France and Wright or Dar Moul Atay in Morocco.

Mint Green Tea or Black Tea

While Moroccan and Persian tea represent their respective cultures and have become true “Way of Life” lifestyles, there are differences in the preparation of each tea.

Moroccan tea is poured, with spectacle and height, from a teapot into glasses, while Persian tea is often prepared using a Samovar, Moroccan tea is prepared with mint leaves, green tea and is often very sweet, while Persian tea uses black tea leaves and is often served unsweetened.

Maison NANA1807 - Thé à la Menthe Marocain & Thé Persan At Maison NANA1807, come and taste the difference between Persian Tea and Moroccan Mint Tea, and share your experience.

Taste the Difference & Share the Experience!

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