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Maison NANA1807 - Le Meilleur Thé à la Menthe In Sha’Allah

The Best ... In Sha'Allah

Ritual & Secrets of Mint Tea

The Best Mint Tea In Sha’Allah

As you can see, Maison NANA1807 puts the art of Mint Tea in the spotlight. Ancestral art part of a daily ritual, a ceremony of sharing and a symbol of hospitality.

Maison NANA1807 assembles and infuses its selection of Great Mint teas from organic farming for a fine and elegant experience with authentic tastes.

At the Palais d'Iéna in Paris, Maison NANA1807 presented its first collection of Great Mint Teas with exceptional flavours

Following this first success, the Founders decided to set up the business in Berry, on the historic site of the Nana family.

By the grace of God, the Maison NANA1807 company was born in 2020. Based in Rosières (commune of Lunery), the NANA1807 Workshops were inaugurated on March 8, 2020, one week before the first lockdown ...

Serene faced with the situation, and very enthusiastic in this phase of creation, the Founders of Maison NANA1807 proceed in the difficult context of COVID.

At Maison NANA1807, we want to share with you the best Mint Tea experience . And we put all our energy and our know-how into each blend and each tasting of Mint Tea .

And we believe that God alone decides our future. So you often hear the expression "In Sha'Allah" (Arabic: إِنْ شَاءَ ٱللَّٰهُ , literally “God willing”) at Maison NANA1807. It is a common formula among Arabic speakers, believers or non-believers elsewhere, and present in the French, Spanish and Portuguese languages.

The phrase is mentioned in the New Testament, just like in the Quran:

"And never say: 'I'll do such and such tomorrow'

Without specifying: "If Allah wills!" And call on your Lord when you forget and say, "I hope my Lord will give me a better direction." "(Quran 18: 23-24)

Finest French Mint Tea House , Maison NANA1807 aims to create in Berry, a Mecca of Mint Tea .

And its Mint Tea Masters share their know-how, the history and the values ​​of this thousand-year-old Art, in the tasting room of Ateliers MAISON NANA1807, on the domain of Rosières.

Expert in its field, Maison NANA1807 is regularly invited to organize Mint Tea ceremonies in Paris, Monaco, Reims as well as in Morocco, according to the possibilities of the health regulations in force.

On June 5, Maison NANA1807 is organizing the first International Mint Tea Championship … An event to write down in your agenda, for the pleasure of tasting the difference and sharing the experience… of best Mint Tea In Sha'Allah !

Maison NANA1807 - Le Meilleur Thé à la Menthe In Sha’Allah

Taste the Difference & Share the Experience!

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  • InSha Allah RV le 5 Juin à la MAISON NANA 1807 pour le premier Championnat International du Thé à la Menthe .
    A vos Agendas chers Amis .
    Excellente Année 2021 , qu’elle réalise tous vos projets et vœux les plus chers .
    Mme ABID

    ABID Hasna

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