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Maison NANA1807 - Dégustez un Grand Thé à la Menthe Maison NANA1807 - Dégustez un Grand Thé à la Menthe

Great Mint Tea

Ritual & Secrets of Mint Tea

Taste a Great Mint Tea for Peace

A trip to Morocco would not be successful without an authentic Moroccan Tea ceremony .

The consumption of Mint tea is an essential component of Moroccan culture and, moreover, takes on a particular meaning according to the circumstances.

Whether paying homage to an elder, an expression of gratitude, or simply the pleasure of talking to a friend. Sharing a Mint Tea is both an activity that can be enjoyed everyday, as well as an opportunity to celebrate a particular event.

Traditionally, the Mint Tea ceremony embodies Arab-Islamic values, going beyond a simple act of consumption and into a way of life and appreciation of friendship, virtue and etiquette.

In France, the Majlis of Maison NANA1807 is an ideal place to discover the complex world of mint tea culture .

One of the most peaceful times to enjoy the Mint Tea ceremony is between Asr (in Arabic: صلاة العصر ṣalāt al-ʿaṣr ) and Maghreb (in Arabic: صلاة المغرب ṣalāt al-maġrib ), which is accompanied daily by staff in traditional dress, recalling the rich historical culture of Morocco.

In the silence of the Rosières estate, the melodic sounds of Arab-Andalusian music, and a choice of several varieties of Great Mint Tea in a serene setting, is the perfect place for discovering the Moroccan tradition.

The Mint tea is part of the life of Moroccan culture. People like to be accompanied by the aroma of Mint Tea everyday. It is also an essential part of maintaining good health.

You can take a break, calm down and find peace during a Mint Tea tasting at Maison NANA1807 .

If you are looking for local flavours of Moroccan tea , MOUIMA Mint Green Tea , is the right choice for the season. The name MOUIMA means “ Maman Chérie ” or “ Maman d'Amour ”, and it is so called in homage to our grandmother.

GREEN CITY is another quality choice to transport yourself in the forest of Bouskoura, near Casablanca, or the magical Majorelle garden in Marrakech.

When preparing Mint Tea , the temperature varies according to the nature of the tea and the quality of the Mint leaves . And the infusion time is determined by the blend of Tea and Mint , alone or flavoured with other natural ingredients and from organic farming .

Mint Tea Ceremony

During the tasting session, the Mint Tea Master from Maison NANA1807 will accompany you on your way to become a connoisseur of Mint Tea . < / p>

Thanks to his advice, you will discover the aroma and the balance of flavors of each Mint Tea recipe .

A Great Mint Tea will have a distinct aroma. With a Green tea , you will smell its herbaceous aroma, light and fresh. With a black tea, the aroma is earthy, floral and naturally sweet.

After its infusion, an excellent Mint Tea should be deeply aromatic and amplify the unique scents of Tea leaves and Dried Mint .

In the mouth, a Great Mint Tea has a powerful and recognizable taste and sensation

Flavors that are barely noticeable, too astringent, or with an unpleasant taste of artificial flavors indicate that you are drinking a too old or poor quality Tea.

The quality of the water and its temperature, the tea set and the environment are all critical factors contributing to a wonderful Mint Tea experience .

At Maison NANA1807, the tea service is tailor-made by Moroccan artisans for the tasting of Moroccan tea . For the new collections of Mint Tea , Maison NANA1807 produces a French tea service, in porcelain.

With Maison NANA1807, you will have a deep understanding of the Mint Tea ceremony - in its traditional version and its contemporary variations experienced to achieve the best infusion of your tea Mint.

Mint tea is a thousand-year-old culture of hospitality and tranquility in Moroccan culture. The Mint Tea Lovers intend to find peace while sipping on Mint Tea . By offering them a Mint Tea for Peace , our visitors rediscover authentic traditions in the greatest serenity.

By visiting Maison NANA1807, you will discover a high quality Mint Tea , a soothing and relaxing environment, as well as a strong commitment to cultural diversity and the preservation of our biodiversity.

Maison NANA1807 - Dégustez un Grand Thé à la Menthe

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